When the landscape shifts we must shift too

When the landscape shifts we must shift too

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One thing is for sure, no one envisaged the global pandemic would last as long as it has nor would it cause such devastation. Not only taking lives, but livelihoods and the brands that we’ve come to love so dearly. Many global brands are cutting back their marketing budgets in an effort to reduce cost, […]

Asian brands will you please rise?

Asian brands will you please rise?

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    As a British born Asian I’m no stranger to Asian brands.  As a kid I regularly shopped with my grandmother.  Scouring the shops, finding the best deals. She wouldn’t have dreamt of buying our everyday pantry items from the supermarket.  Fast forward 30 years and the growing expansion of the World Food aisles […]

Your friendly neighbourhood store

Your friendly neighbourhood store

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Oddbins – A multi-national store with a local feel Sad to hear of the demise of Oddbins – yet another former favourite store has edged down the administration slide. I enjoyed many a pleasurable visit – a national store which managed to retain its local individuality. Oddbins never came across as a chain store – […]

Rewind to the 70’s. All is forgiven.

Rewind to the 70’s. All is forgiven.

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I don’t see a lot of great ads anymore. They rarely grab my attention. Rarely make me laugh or even smile. And I don’t even mean whole campaigns that are good, I couldn’t ask that much. But one ad doesn’t sound like a lot to ask, does it? Would somebody please tip a drink over […]

Apple CEO hints at cheaper iPhones

Apple CEO hints at cheaper iPhones

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Apple CEO hints at cheaper iPhones as profits fall. Is this the start of the end of their smartphone reign? Since its launch in 2007, The iPhone has given us some stunning phones which have integrated seamlessly into our lives. But ever since giants like HTC, Samsung and now Huawei have come into the market, […]

Fear.  Will you run or rise?

Fear. Will you run or rise?

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Fear. One simple word with huge meaning

noun. an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

Over the course of my career, I’ve been asked this question many times. Weren’t you scared it wouldn’t work? The simple answer is yes, I wouldn’t be human if I wasn’t.

2019’s functional ingredients

2019’s functional ingredients

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Social media is supercharging conversation and the spread of consumer trends. Shifts in consumer attitude, which typically have evolved over years now can grow and spread within a matter of months. But how as a marketer or innovator can you stave off the competition and stay ahead?

What’s with the excessive jargon?

What’s with the excessive jargon?

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Omni-channel or multi-channel, SEO or SEM, AI or AR, personalisation or plusification, the list goes on.

We’ve seen it many times, marketers and agencies using the latest buzz words to demonstrate their superiority.  But are clients really that fickle? Do they really think ‘buzz word agencies’ can take their business further than those that talk in plain English?  Not in our experience.